At PIMaCS, we are attempting to share, observe, and study this phenomenon which has seemed to affect millions of women the world over since the start of the 21st Century. We will endeavor to understand this epidemic through theory and conjecture based on the photographic evidence found, as well as defining and cataloging these events so they can be identified.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Trick Or Treat

They grow up so fast don't they? On a festive day like Halloween, cool costumes and sugar buzzes still can not keep young ladies from succumbing to the laws of pimacs.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Olsen Twins: A History Of Pimacs

Ahhh, the cute little Olsen twins. So sweet they can induce cavities to their viewers. As we watched them grow up on camera, we've also unwittingly documented their own pimacs history.

This is probably how we remember them best. Full house was in its last season and already they were gearing up for a future in direct to video films. So young, and already a stage 1 pimacs.

They may have said goodbye to full house, but these Pimacs addicted sisters always found a way onto our screens.

Neither fame, fortune, or puberty have deterred these sisters from continuing to engage in pimacs. It's as natural to them as is starring in bad films. A billion dollars worth of bad films.

Even professional studio shots, the camera man is powerless to prevent their pimacs. I wonder what their yearbook photos look like.

At some point they went from cute to hot. Still, it didn't stop them from putting their heads together. Only now, there is a slight flirtatious look on their faces as they Pimacs. Run men, run! They're only 17.

Being in front of cameras is old hat to them by now, as is evident in this optical pimacs variant

We've seen them grow up, develop, and get stupid rich on bad movies. Perhaps a lifetime of pimacs helps ward off evil spirits.

Here's a variant configuration done by professional pimacsers, the "L" shaped pimacs. I call them professional because at this point in their careers, as you will see, a pimacs pose is the traditional "money shot" for Mary Kate and Ashley.

Classic stage 1 pimacs. Again, notice the wasted frame space. They seem unable, or at least happier, being in each other's personal space. But, I suppose sharing a womb does that.

Here is a pic from their "got milk?" ad. From this picture, one has to wonder if they drink from the same glass.

Here's an interesting concept; one colors here hair to give herself distinction from her twin sister. I suppose it's only natural for one to want to be recognized as an individual rather than part of a set. Yet, red hair or not, she still bonds with her sister in front of the camera. They just don't know any other way. Sad really.

No, this is not a lesbian couple slow dancing at a reception. It's those pimacs loving Olsen twins.

Same day, same event. Although they change positions, they remain firmly pimacsed.

Nothing wrong here, standard stage 2 pimacs. We've seen them in so many stage 1 pimacs, this almost seems like their distant.

Eureka! A rare symmetrical head-stacking Pimacs. A very rare find.

They're not pimacsing here you say? Wrong. This is to illustrate even professionals botch the occasional photo op. Remember, this is at a press show, so there are literally hundreds of cameras on them. There heads are merely seeking out the alpha camera to pimacs for. There is an old chinese proverb: Even Olsen twins fall from trees.

...and later that day, back to normal.

From the Olsen girls and all of us here, happy pimacs spotting.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pimacs Barbie

The Pimacs phenomenon so greatly affects women that even their iconic childhood dolls succumb to it. You just never saw this behavior in G.I. Joe.

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Night Out

Three young ladies celebrate a night out by cramming together for a photo-op. A triple noggin-knocker.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Back To Basics

We've seen women over 60 at a time engaged in Pimacs, but sometimes its good to get back to simplicity.Here is a standard Pimacs. Two women, plenty of space within the frame to allow personal space, yet the compulsion to press heads together is irresistible.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Poolside Pimacs

Nothing is more conducive of a Pimacs than a pool, a hot sun, and wearing a two-piece. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A 62-Girl Pimacs

Sixty-two isn't a couple close friends Pimacsing in front of a camera, sixty-two is a small village. The ladies of Alpha Chi Omega bring us the largest Pimacs to date,shattering all records in a single, unified configuration.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

54-Girl Pimacs

The amount f females that can fit into a single frame continues to astound us here. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hooters Pimacs

Here are the Hooter's girls, taking time out of their photo shoot to create a large group Optical Pimacs.

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Yin-Yang

Another non-standard configuration. With both girls facing the camera, yet their bodies are in opposite directions, this creates a yin-yang appearance.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

44-Girl Pimacs

With the Pimacs in effect, it seems more girls can squeeze into a picture than clowns can fit into a car, or illegals can fit into a van.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

So You Think You Can Pimacs

These girls certainly give us something to cheer about in this photo. Another example of the MGG style Pimacs. While the team returns to the locker room during half time to discuss strategy, these well-dressed cheerleaders already put their heads together.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Bosom Buddies

Large breasted women seem to share a dual Pimacs, head to head, and bosom to bosom.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Golden Pimacs

We've already seen that no matter size, shape, or circumstance, a good Pimacs does not discriminate. Already we've seen the Pimacs effect on women as young as newborns. This photo shows that even on the senior side of  life, the Pimacs goes on.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

30 1/2 - Girl Pimacs

This photo was submitted by Pimacs enthusiest Scott S. This is a huge Stage 2 Pimacs. Difficult to assertain, due to the amount of people in the photo, but this could be an orbital Pimacs. Considering the central girl (pink skirt) fits the profile, being the smallest/petite in the group, while the others are drawn to her from all directions, it seems it might be the case. It is also worth noting, this might also establish a pecking order, of sorts, to the Pimacs phenomenon. At the risk of offending, notice how the most attractive girls seem to be centered, while the other, less attractive girls, are in the perephery. Notice the one on the far left is actually cropped. Why was she cropped. Has this to do with a twist to the Pimacs Rejection as seen in previous posts? Only she doesn't seem to be rejected from the pack so much as from the photographer.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A 24-Girl Pimacs

When it comes to Pimacs, it seems the more the merrier. This is our largest so far, twenty-four girls, and all with hats no less. Wow!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Another Angle

Here we have a classic CLO configuration, but taken at a different angle. Here, the fat girl hides behind the skinny ones, but doesn't put them between herself and the camera. Curious behavior. Did the Pimacs effect cause them to bond like this before they could position properly? Or, was there another camera off to the right?

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sororiety Girls

Yes indeed, it seems sororiety sisters bond over boys, alchohol, and Pimacs

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A 21-Girl Pimacs

The number of women in a single Pimacs seems to get larger and larger. Here is a 21-girl, massive noggin-knocker.

Friday, January 25, 2013


What do these two pics have in common? If you had said ladies suffering from Pimacs, you'd be correct. One is taken at a party, the other at a funeral. I believe this illustrates that Pimacs can occur at almost any occasion.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Illustrated Pimacs

If it's true that art imitates life, then these illustrations prove that the Pimacs phenomenon is pervasive enough in our culture that artists illustrate women, in their chosen medium, in a Pimacs configuration.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013



If there is one positive thing to say about Pimacs, it certainly brings women together. This Stage 2 Pimacs shows us that uniforms + Pimacs = solidarity among its subjects.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Recap #02

OK Pimacs enthusiasts, let's see what we've learned so far.

It seems the phenomenon of Pimacs is very diverse. We've seen a variety of configurations including:

We've seen the effects of Solo Pimacs on reflective surfaces, and discovered a rare 19th century photo of women Pimacsing, challenging the myth that Pimacs is something that only came about with digital photography in the 21st century.

We've also furthered the case that Pimacsing can induce subtle to moderate indications of lesbianism, as is evident with pictures including open mouth kissing, suggestive facial expressions, and hanging around in their underwear. We certainly aren't condemning or accusing these girls of being lesbians, quite the contrary. We're merely pointing out that the Pimacs effect seems to induce such behavior in many of its subjects. 

We've also seen photographic evidence of Pimacs rejection, where one or two women in a group photo seemed to be excluded from the Pimacs effect. There is not sufficient data to conclude if this is a result of a negative magnetic resonance that is out of tune with the magnetic forces causing the other girls to attract toward each other. Or, this phenomenon could be more psychological in nature, an unconscious instinct not unlike a pack or herd mentality where the sick or lame  among them is cast out for the good of the herd.

We've also have evidence of possible telepathic communication as well as reproduction.

Finally, we see that Pimacs is a powerful phenomenon indeed. While the a-typical photo may include two or three girls in a photo,there really is no limit. Eight girl, nine girl, thirteen and even seventeen girl Pimacs have already been discovered.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

a 17-Girl Pimacs

The ladies of Florida State's Delta Gamma Sorority show us that there is no limit to the amount of women who can suffer from this affliction in a single picture. Just how many girls can Pimacs in a single photo? Up till now, we have been impressed with pictures of 8 or 9 girls in a single Pimacs. This picture obviously tops them all. Don't get too excited though, in the days and weeks to come, we will be releasing more photos that will greatly top 17. Stay tuned Pimacs enthusiasts. 

Friday, January 18, 2013


While it cannot be denied that a self induced Pimacs directly awakens homo-erotic suggestiveness in its subjects, it is not the only lesbian-inducing type of Pimacs. Take this picture for example. This is actually quite intriguing as it first and foremost demonstrates a rare event in Pimacs photography known as multi-group grouping, or MGG. That is a single photo in which the subjects Pimacs in seperate sub-configurations, rather than a single, unified type. The two girls in front are forming an optical Pimacs, while the two in the back are, ahem, clearly involved in a stag 1 classic Pimacs with a slight breach in standard configuration (mouth to mouth rather than forehead to forehead). The fifth girl, who is positioned off center is either placed there as a result of the Pimacs rejection phenomenon, or being the most petite, could be the centerpiece in a dual configuration orbital Pimacs.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Just like everything else in nature, sometimes things just don't develop properly. Call it what you will; a mental deficiency, stunted learning, or a handicap. These poor Pimacs victims obviously suffer from a deficiency in their brain development, either through a birth defect or a traumatic experience during childhood. No matter the cause, the effect is the same, a Pimacs effect that causes them to attach to each other, not head-to-head, but some other asset. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


We've seen in previous posts how some of the more sensitive women suffer from solo Pimacs, a condition that has their head seeking out another head for contact despite being all alone. However, place a mirror in the picture and the self Pimacs subject will atempt to bond her cranium to her reflection's cranium. 

Or, as evident in this photo, if there is no mirror, any reflective surface will do. Much like a housecat who sees its reflection for the first time and immediately feels threatened, these poor souls instinctively Pimacs when confronted with a camera.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Olympimacs

Yes, even world class athletes, who appear before crowds of people, and perform on wide open fields, cannot resist the attractive forces that their craniums generate when standing before a camera.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Is it possible there could be benefits to the Pimacs effect such as short range telepathy? In this first photo, we see a classic stage 1 Pimacs with a face-to-face configuration. With eyes closed they appear to be thinking of something.

In the second photo, they laugh, as if  they just shared a joke. Interesting.