At PIMaCS, we are attempting to share, observe, and study this phenomenon which has seemed to affect millions of women the world over since the start of the 21st Century. We will endeavor to understand this epidemic through theory and conjecture based on the photographic evidence found, as well as defining and cataloging these events so they can be identified.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


We've seen in previous posts how some of the more sensitive women suffer from solo Pimacs, a condition that has their head seeking out another head for contact despite being all alone. However, place a mirror in the picture and the self Pimacs subject will atempt to bond her cranium to her reflection's cranium. 

Or, as evident in this photo, if there is no mirror, any reflective surface will do. Much like a housecat who sees its reflection for the first time and immediately feels threatened, these poor souls instinctively Pimacs when confronted with a camera.

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