At PIMaCS, we are attempting to share, observe, and study this phenomenon which has seemed to affect millions of women the world over since the start of the 21st Century. We will endeavor to understand this epidemic through theory and conjecture based on the photographic evidence found, as well as defining and cataloging these events so they can be identified.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Recap #01

     Ok Pimacs enthusiasts, let's recap what we've learned so far. 

First, there seems to be two distinct stages of Pimacs:
Stage 1 - Full Contact 
Stage 2 - No Contact

Second, we've seen that Pimacs is diverse, with variations such as:
Orbital - When heads of other females create a three dimensional circular pattern around a central head.
Optical - when heads are drawn toward an imaginary center point, and not necessarily toward each other.

Third, We've learned that age, culture, and group size do not factor into the Pimacs phenomenon. Indeed, all it needs is a camera and two or more females. 

Fourth, with the CLO and NMR effects, it warrants further study into the theory that Pimacs may not be a 100% irresistible force of nature, or a basic instinct. It seems the victims may retain some rudimentary cognitive function, such as hiding behind skinny girls or establishing dominance.

...but we've only just begun. Much more study and evidence is needed.

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