At PIMaCS, we are attempting to share, observe, and study this phenomenon which has seemed to affect millions of women the world over since the start of the 21st Century. We will endeavor to understand this epidemic through theory and conjecture based on the photographic evidence found, as well as defining and cataloging these events so they can be identified.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The CLO Effect

CLO, or Counter-Logical Obfuscation, is the idea that when a Pimacs is in effect, the larger women take shelter, or hide, behind the smaller ones. We've already observed in previous photos how the smaller females are usually centered in these photos, but CLO takes it a step further by the illogical notion that a skinny girl can hide the fat of a fat girl and thus deceiving the viewer. But to the trained eye of a Pimacs viewer, CLOs are glaringly obvious. 

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