At PIMaCS, we are attempting to share, observe, and study this phenomenon which has seemed to affect millions of women the world over since the start of the 21st Century. We will endeavor to understand this epidemic through theory and conjecture based on the photographic evidence found, as well as defining and cataloging these events so they can be identified.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

a 17-Girl Pimacs

The ladies of Florida State's Delta Gamma Sorority show us that there is no limit to the amount of women who can suffer from this affliction in a single picture. Just how many girls can Pimacs in a single photo? Up till now, we have been impressed with pictures of 8 or 9 girls in a single Pimacs. This picture obviously tops them all. Don't get too excited though, in the days and weeks to come, we will be releasing more photos that will greatly top 17. Stay tuned Pimacs enthusiasts. 

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