At PIMaCS, we are attempting to share, observe, and study this phenomenon which has seemed to affect millions of women the world over since the start of the 21st Century. We will endeavor to understand this epidemic through theory and conjecture based on the photographic evidence found, as well as defining and cataloging these events so they can be identified.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Pimacs Rejection

Could this be proof that the Pimacs effect isn't universal? That somehow other variables are factored in? Take a look at these photos. In the first picture we see four ladies posing for a picture. Three of them tilt their heads toward each other, a staple of the stage 2 variant. Yet notice the one in the middle remains stationary. This alone is inconclusive as other photos suggest that one girl could have a dominant resonance which pulls the others towards her. As in this photo, the three ladies in the leopard print bikinis seem drawn to the lady in a solid black bikini.

Now look at this. When the lady in black is removed, the three leopard print gals succumb to the Pimacs effect unhindered. Do some women have a polarized, or opposite magnetic charge that negates a  Pimacs? What causes this? Is it a variation like being left handed, or having type O negative blood? Or could this be less about the Pimacs and more about herd/pack mentality. Perhaps the lady in black is carrying a disease that the others institutionally reject from the herd. Perhaps she's more/less fertile than the others. Whatever the case, this phenomenon within Pimacs warrants further study.

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